Selected Quotes by Diane Tracy

 “Perseverance under extreme circumstances educates one about him or herself. People learn they have strengths and abilities they never knew they had.”


“We fail to be honest because we are afraid we will break the relationship, when that is precisely what happens when we withhold the truth.”


“In order to live and age gracefully and peacefully, we must reject just about everything our culture has taught us about what is beautiful and desirable.”


“Kindness towards oneself is sometimes the hardest, but it is the most healing for everyone. To heal one's own heart is to become a fountain of compassion for the entire human race.”


"A person who is brutally honest is one who uses honesty as a weapon to hurt rather than help."


"When you are persevering through something, there is no room for comparing yourself with others. You have a distinct set of influences, circumstances and genes. Everyone's path is different."