If there was ever a time that we needed to be reminded of the importance of kindness, it is now. It is, in fact, the only remedy for the harsh, bitter division that threatens the very essence of our humanity and civility. The extreme political polarization has unfortunately eroded many peoples’ important relationships. The economic pressures faced by millions of people as well as the ecological threats to the planet can easily overshadow the goodness that exists in people and the potential each invididual has to make a significant difference through kindness. We cannot be reminded of it enough.

The word kindness is simply a symbol for an experience — one of the most life-giving experiences a person can have. Take a moment to reflect on a time when you received a kindness that touched you in a profound way, in a way that went straight to your heart. Now think of a time when you extended a kindness that was received with such gratitude that it warmed your entire being. There is great power in kindness, but we often don’t think of it in that way because kindness has a soft quality to it.

Kindness has the potential to change a life, even save a life. Perhaps the person you most need to be kind to is yourself. Can you imagine what your life would be like if, throughout the day, you replaced the harsh, critical inner voice with that of a kind, compassionate inner voice? What if you were to treat yourself with the same respect and loving kindness that you give to the most treasured person in your life? What if you knew that if you accepted yourself just as you are, genuine kindness would come pouring through you like water from a fountain,

In my own life experience, some of the acts of kindness that touched me most were performed by total strangers. Once my car stalled just over a hill in the middle of a busy six-lane highway. My car would not start. Cars flew by me on either side while I sat terrified that someone would hit me from behind going 60-70 mph because they didn’t know I was there until they were on top of me. The situation was further complicated by the fact that on this particular occasion, I had left my cell phone at home so there was no way to call for help.

Car after car sped by until a young man in a delivery truck pulled up behind me. He promptly got out of his truck and told me he was going to push my car (with his bare hands) across the lane to my right onto the shouslder of the road where I would be safe. I replied, “But you could get hit by a car.”

He replied, “No, I will be alright. Just put the car in neutral and steer.” Before I knew it my car was safely on the shoulder of the road. The young man immediately jumped in his truck and started to drive off as I franticallly ran after him so I could thank him. He wasn’t even looking for a “thank you”. After a big hug between us, he calle Triple A for me and then took a selfie of the two of us — he was so taken back by my gratitude. The young man risked his life, perhaps saved mine and others and thought nothing of it. And most of us think if we are not rich and famous we have little power to change the world.

There’s a wonderful movie that was released in 2019 called The Best of Enemies. It is a story about how two people of radically different views and backgrounds came to be the best of friends as a result of one act of kindness and how it impacted an entire community. It is a true story. For many years these two people, who at one time despised one another, toured the country sharing their story of peacemaking — a lesson for us all.


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